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Author: Anees Jillani

Anees Jillani

How to be happy in life?

How to be happy in life?

There are things which if done can change our life. And then there are things which if not done can also change our life. At times, we hold on to many things that cause us…

Tips to become a better conversationalist

Tips to become a better conversationalist

One of the most difficult but ignored subject is the art of conversation. Few know it. The ability to hold a natural conversation is an important key to success. Knowing when to initiate a conversation,…

Exercise is good for health

Exercise is good for health

You all must be tired of hearing that exercise is good for health. Despite reading and hearing about it, few of us do it regularly. I do not know about you but my excuse is…

Immunization in Pakistan

Immunization in Pakistan

A recent survey conducted nationwide showed that six diseases namely, Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Neonatal Tetanus, Poliomyelitis, Measles and Tuberculosis posed major health problems. A child should be immunized within the first year against these diseases;…

Animals & Us

Animals & Us

An article appeared in the March 1 New York Times by a psychoanalyst based in New York, Jeanne Safer. The article was titled `Feed Your Dog, Feed Your Soul.’ The article is based on one…

The Constitutional Status of Health

The Constitutional Status of Health

Access to health is not a fundamental right under Pakistan’s Constitution. No specific provision relating to health is included in the chapter on Fundamental Rights. However, the Constitution contains a chapter on the Principles of…

Preventing Violence

Preventing Violence

There is hardly anything one can think about nowadays except the attack on the Army Public School resulting in the death of 134 children and 12 teachers. I have not used the term ‘innocent children’…